The story begins in 1967. The founder and driving force of Emma, Maurice Verschaeve, graduated as a veterinarian. Almost immediately he and his wife Laura Grouset opened a pharmacy in Reningelst (Poperinge).
During the period that Maurice took up his army service, swine fever broke out. It prompted him, after his shift, to get started with a vaccine and to use it in a specific way to contain the epidemic. The results were phenomenal and Maurice was short handed.
Due to the many new contacts in, among other things, pig farming, Maurice forms a broad picture of the needs in the sector. The inferior nutritional supplements in particular were a thorn in his side.
He then set to work developing boluses and an Emma (Electronic Milk Mother Application), a revolutionary machine that was later introduced throughout Europe.
What started as a hobby quickly turned into a real business. Over the years, Maurice and Laura have built a team of professionals with different areas of expertise: Kathleen Verschaeve (daughter of Maurice and Laura, Pharmacist, Nutritionist), Jonas De Roo (Master Biologist) and Glenn Verstraete (Doctor of Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmacist).
Meanwhile, Emma is a supplier of gels, powders and boluses for all kinds of animals. And that all over the world!